Welcome to CeDart Boats

Or should I say... Welcome to my Hobby.
Hello, my name is John Hamelink. I created this website to share with you some my boat building projects. Please feel free to comment on my blog or send me information on a project you may be doing, ask questions, or just plain share info. When designing and building boats, I have found there are several methods used to accomplish the same thing and we often learn neat little tricks from sharing info.
For me, I generally get an idea in my mind of a design I'd like to make, then at some point later on, I just start building. I figure out the details as I go. It may take me a little longer because sometimes I just think through the process for a while before doing it. The end result however is usually, well... you tell me. Look through my pages. They are short, simple, and mostly just pictures.
In the past few years I've entered these boats in a variety of shows including art competitions. I've been honored with several awards but none as rewarding as the comments I received from you, the participating public. From your comments and requests, I have created this site to share my fun...
Thank you...